Getting Started with Recurring Donations
We'll start with getting the Recurring Donations Tab up on the Tabline. Then we will tour the Recurring donations page and how recurring donations will be working going forward.
Getting the RC Tab on the Tabline
Click the pencil at the end of the tabline
Start typing Recurring
Click the plus
You've selected Recurring Donations
Be sure to save at the bottom of the page
Recurring Donations is on your tabline
Getting Started Adding Recurring Donations
Click on the tab in your tabline
Recently Viewed is always Pinned
Click the Down Arrow to get a different veiw
I chose All Recurring Donations
You can choose what makes the most sense for you.
Click the pushpin to pin it and make it default whenever you go to this tab.
To change the fields you see...
Click the gear, and then Select Fields to Display.
Notice all the other good stuff you can do here. This is available on every object that has a List View that is not just Recently Viewed. The fields on Recently Viewed are not editable.
To Enter a New Recurring Donation
Go to the donor's page and click on Recurring Donations.
If the donor is a business or household, start there.
Fields to Fill Out
- Contact or Account is automatically filled in according to where you started. Contact = Contact, Account = Account.
- Date Established will be defaulted to today's date.
- Recurring Type: Open or Fixed. If you know the number of installments, then it is Fixed. If the donor is giving until they tell you to stop, then it is open.
- Number of Planned Installments: Delete the 1, if it is open. Add the number of expected payments if it is Fixed.
- Amount
- Installment Period
- Installment Frequency
- Day of the Month
- Effective Date: Automatically filled in with Today's date. Change this if the effective date is different from the Date Established.
- Next and Last Donation Dates: Automatically filled in! Don't try to fill these in.
- Payment Method: Picklist that copies to the payment object on each opportunity.
Fill out Other Information; Leave Statistics (they're automatic)
- Let's talk about the Recurring Donation Name. Salesforce suggests [Donor Name] [Installment Amount] - Recurring
- Which campaign is the donation related to?
- Status = Automatically comes Active. The three options are: Active, Lapsed, Paused, Closed.
Active Schedules/Upcoming Installments in the right sidebar
Homework: Recurring Donation Tab, Click NEW
- Contact
- Account
- Date Established
- Recurring Type
- Amount
- Installment Period
- Day of Month
- Installment Frequency
- Effective Date
- Recurring Donations Name = [Donor Name] [Amount of Installment] - Recurring
Leave all the other fields blank or with their default value.
Click Save.
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