When Someone Dies

WSA Membership  Cancel the Membership

Delete the Relationships under the Deceased's Name

Check Do Not Mail in the Address of the Deceased

Check the Deceased checkbox. Notice what changes are automatically in place when you do this.

Note that the Deceased doesn't get a NAMED Household, but goes into the Anonymous Household bucket.

Move any people living with the Deceased out of the Account.

Fix Donations- Change donations attributed to the Deceased.

If appropriate, change Donation Name, Primary Contact

Note that the Acknowledgment Status is now REQUIRED.

Now the Donation is Saved, Ray is the Primary Contact and his Household is here.

The new owner of the donation is added to the Contact Role in the donation.

Go to the account of the surviving spouse.

If there are people that need to be added to this account (in this case Ray's son Andrew), click Manage Household.

Contacts to Merge after one Caretaker is Deceased

Relationships | Salesforce

You may find that a duplicate has been created. Just merge the dupes, choosing the one the the most information.

Add the name of the person you want to add to this household.

If he/she is in the system, a circle with a plus sign will appear beside the name and address. That will add Andrew to Ray's Household.

Scroll down and decide whether Andrew's name should appear with the Household and Formal and Informal Greetings. Decide who the Primary Contact of the Household is.


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