Creating Data Sets for FormAssembly

Start in Apsona

Organizations Tabular View - Select Field Set

Use Field Set: CCHF Dataset v6, Filter on Record Type, Choose Clinic - Website

I chose both Clinic-Website AND Clinic for my dataset

Tools > Export 

The fields I chose in Apsona are already on this page. All you have to do is click Export. 

I found my .csv file in my downloads. Then I renamed it Dataset.v10.csv

Now go to FormAssembly and "Organization Name - start typing here". Click on Choices next to the Blue Box

Click Choose File and upload the new version. 

Choose Clinic Dataset.v10.csv - I uploaded a copy to Basecamp. If you want just Clinic-Website clinics, then you can use these instructions to create a smaller dataset. 

Version 10 will show up. Click Upload. 

Choose whether to overwrite the previous dataset or create a new dataset. Click OK to overwrite or Candel to create a new dataset. 


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