1/22 Troubleshooting Conference Reg
Ndinda Ngewa |
Her email was totally different so the Registration form didn't find her. However, NOTHING else happened. No new contact, even a duplicate, no new org, no registration fee paid, nada. WHAAA???
She doesn't list an org until the Student info, where she chooses Emory University as her org.
Her Expected Graduation Date has the wrong format. I changed the wording of the hint to emphasize we need this in this format...
Ndina Ngewa Response
1. Create Contact Error: The system doesn't create a new contact because her date was incorrectly configured. There's no way to change the response on this form.
7.1 Create Campaign Member: Because there was no contact created or updated, there was no Campaign member created either.

FormAssembly: Why this happened
- She didn't have an email that matched anything, so the system tried to create a new contact.
- BUT: She messed up the Expected Graduation Date, so the system just aborted the whole of #1.
- # 2- Looks up the Partner Clinic, skipping Students and Other Org peeps - if there's no match, we skip this step
#3- Looks up Clinics that are not on the list. If a match is found (i.e., the user didn't actually diligently LOOK at the dataset), we go forward here.
Skips Student, Resident and General Org people.
#4- Same as #3, only this time we DON'T find the clinic in our system, so we create a new one.
Here is the error in #4- If not match is found, it should CREATE a new clinic, so it should be "Continue with dependent objects" and if one match is found, it should SKIP. Fixed this.
1598 = I work for a different type of organization (Checkbox)
1597= I'm a Healthcare Student or Resident (Checkbox)
The screenshot below is THE NEW FIXED VERSION OF #4
Back to Why:
4. 3 and 4.3.1 - Seem to create TWO affiliation records.
4.3 Creates an affiliation with a clinic that was created in 4.1
540 = Name of Clinic (if it doesn't show up above)

4.3 thru 6 - So it seems that this affiliation AND the creation of an account at all are skipped if the name of the clinic field is blank. But it feels confusing.
4.3.1 - Creates an affiliation to Lookup #20, which looks up to field 540=Name of Clinic (if it doesn't show up above)
There is something wrong here. It looks like we're creating an affiliation record to a clinic that was created in 4.1 OR creating an affiliation record if the org WAS in the system after all, and so skipped in 4.1.
I'm just confused here. There has got to be a more efficient way of dealing with this.
5 - Looks up a General Organization, but skips creating a new Org record if it doesn't find the org. Skips Students/Residents and Partner Clinics.
1598=I work for a different type of Organization AH HA! This causes the system to SKIP if they are a different type of org. This is where the system skipped Jennifer Richardson. This means that everybody with a different type of org would have been skipped here. I changed this to 1596 and that should solve a bunch of issues.
1597=I'm a Healthcare Student or Resident
6- Looks up a General Org and if none is found, creates a new one.
Skips if:
1596=I work for a Partner Clinic
Where's the Student skip??? Changed 1599 to 1597, from "Other" to "I'm a Healthcare Student or Resident"

6.3 and 6.3.1 This is formatted improperly. It needs the %% before and after the field. Fixed this, though I don't see the point...
1224 = Your Organization Name - If this is blank, we should skip creating a new organization (because there is no name to give the new record, duh...)
6.3 - Checks to see if the contact already has an affiliation record. If not, it creates one where the contact is affiliated with the Org in 6.1 (the new one that would be created.)
7 - Looks up CampaignMember record.
It continues if there is no match with the Record ID of 1. Contact
THIS IS AN ERROR: If there is no match with the Contact in 1. Contact, then we don't have a contact to ADD to a campaign.
What goes on the campaign member record?
Payment type should equal Registration type
Status should be Registered.
First Time Checkbox
We are not updating the Type of Attendee-- The picklist doesn't correspond to any field directly on the form. So the presumption is that it will be filled in by a staff member.
Taylor Cork
Taylor put the name of her school BOTH in the Your Organization Name (which should not have been shown to her, since that is supposed to be Conditional for Partner Clinics, and then in the School/Residency field, ended up with the school name that is not in the system in that format.

ERROR: The student/resident should not be seeing the Your Organization fields. Not sure why this is happening.
Processing the Student Information - "Organization Name - start typing here". Shouldn't this be processed with the Partner Clinics and not show up in this general section?
The School/Residency is a lookup on the Contact Record, but I don't understand why that should throw an error in FA. MORE TESTING IS NEEDED HERE.
Essentially, then, Taylor Cork did not go into the system because it rejected her Your Organization Name field as not proper for an ID field.
Jennifer Richardson
- A new contact (a duplicate) was created for her. Fixed
- When the record was reprocessed, the system, at 1.1 Lookup action for Account Record, found TWO account records, and so skipped logging the opportunity.
- No donation was attached to this contact.
Donation was created but not attached to Jennifer or Butterfield Foundation - FIXED
- No organization was affiliated with her, even though she put the name of the org in. (She now has an affiliated Org. Merging the two contacts took care of this.)
- She was added to the campaign.
- I don't see any PayPal information on her registration (this was before we fixed the PayPal problem.
This is the error message.
This puts the Organization Name - start typing here in the wrong place

"Organization Name - start typing here" is the name of the clinic for all clinics that are already in the system. It should be the affiliation for a contact who has a clinic in the system already.

5 - Lookup Account record This is where we should have got Jennifer's Organization Name and found her foundation in the system.
5 - Looks up a General Organization, but skips creating a new Org record if it doesn't find the org. Skips Students/Residents and Partner Clinics.
1598=I work for a different type of Organization AH HA! This causes the system to SKIP if they are a different type of org. This is where the system skipped Jennifer Richardson. This means that everybody with a different type of org would have been skipped here. I changed this to 1596 and that should solve a bunch of issues.
1597=I'm a Healthcare Student or Resident
6- Looks up a General Org and if none is found, creates a new one. Should skip Students/Residents and Partner Clinics, but skips "Other" -- who would be Other here?
Skips if:
1596=I work for a Partner Clinic
Where's the Student skip???
Dierdre McCool
- System finds Contact
Updates Contact record
1.1 Finds Account with FN/LN
1.2 Skips Oppty because she's using the Org CC to pay.
2-5 skipped because she works for an org that is already in the system. But because of the skip in #5, we skip creating the oppty there.
6.0 Didn't find Account
6.1 Skipped creating Account
6.2 Created Oppty record because she's paying with the Org Credit Card. Found and fixed.
Robert Doe
Fixed. All this is due to the way the General Org new record creation was being skipped erroneously.
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