Do the End of Year Report

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Are you on the user list of Apsona? If not, you won't see it. If you need to add yourself or somebody else, go to Setup > Installed Packages > Apsona > Manage Licenses.

You and Cynthia are on the list along with me. If you need to add someone else, you can remove Cynthia or me and Click Add Users to add somebody else. These licenses are interchangeable. You have three of them, and any three staff members will be fine.  

Get a Tabular View of Donations

Let's see how to set up a report with Apsona by learning this interface!

  1. Contacts, Accounts and Donations are the objects you can access. We can change this, if you need other objects. Click "More" to find other objects that are available to you.
  2. This is where you set the columns in your tabular view.
  3. This is where you set up the filters to see only the data that you want to see.
  4. Notice that you always get the total number of records in this report.

Set up the End of Year Report

We'll do this be creating the tabular view that we need and then creating the filters that will give us all the donations for this year. Note that you'll need to change this every December, so that on January 1st, you will be able to access the records from the previous year to send the thank you emails out.

    These are the available field sets. You can customize one of these and rename it, or you can use one of these. I chose the Expanded Donation Set for my report.

    Here's the field set

You can add or subtract the fields that are showing.

    This is the filter that will take you to this year's donations.

Remember, you'll need to put an annual reminder on your calendar to come in and change the dates.

Set the first term to Donation.Close Date.
Use "in range" to get both start and end dates for the year.

    We need another filter that narrows down the donations to those that have been posted

We won't thank people who have merely "pledged" to donation, but who actually did donate.
You can also eliminate the grants, since they won't have "donors." See below for both of these filters:

I inadvertently left a fourth option in the logic. If you do that, you'll need to remove it from the Filter Logic field.
Now, hit search to bring up your list.

Putting together a donor list for a thank you email to go out

We'll use the same principles to set up the contact list for the end of year letter:

  • Tabular View
  • Choose a field set
  • Choose or create a filter set
  • Search

Notice: The Total Gifts This Year field has to be set up to be greater than 0.01 because if we say, Total Gifts This Year is Not Empty, we'll still get all the ones listed as $0.00.

I suggest changing this report to Total Gifts Last Year, and then run the report on January 1 of the next year. I also suggest getting ahold of the 12 people who don't have emails, or adding address fields to the report so those without emails can get a snail mail letter, if you want to send one out to them.

Let's see how to send an email to these folks:

Tools is in the same line as the Filter - Refresh - +Add.  You can also compose a new email template right here as well.

    Compose your email?

The compose email object has all kinds of useful tools. There's a "Show Reply-to" checkbox, if you want to give them an email address to reply back. The CC checkbox will show your donors that you're getting CC'd on these emails. There is a subject line as well.

Check out all the options you can use below the "Message:" line.

You can add photos,
text in parentheses,
numbered lines and bulleted lines.
You can center the text or move it to the right or left.
You can indent.
Change the colors of the text.
Change the Size and Font of the text.
...and more!

Note that you can have these emails added to the Activity History on each donor's record. And you can see how many of these emails will be sent. Once you've composed the email you want to send, all you do is hit Send and the email will go to all of last year's donors.

Send an already constructed template?

This template is a bit austere for my tastes. It does work, though. I tested it already. But you might want to spend a bit more time designing something that shows your annual donors just how much their support means to you and FIABA.

Th', th' th', that's all folks!


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