Changing Record Ownership
List of "Inactive Users" in your system
Bring up an object in Apsona
- I make sure to select Tabular View (by clicking on the name of the object in the tabline.
- Then I creat a Field Set that includes the Record Owner. That name is usually simply "Owner" -- but if you can't find it, you can search on just owner and the proper field will come up.
- Then I name the Field set "Owner Set" - or something that makes sense
Next, create a filter for OBJECT.Owner
Use the "is among" option.
You will be able to select everybody on your list.
Check each one that is on the Deactivated List.
Here's what it looks like when it's done.
In Apsona, go to Tools...
And click Update All. Because our list includes any and all of the deactivated Users, we can update all of them at once.
Or, if you get a message that you need to check at least one record, click the checkbox at the top of the list, and they'll all be selected. Then click Update checked.
Here I've got the Update checked option.
Field = Owner, Value = Kristy Tarrant
Click Update
I've Saved this Action, so you'll be able to access it going forward.
List of objects that may have deactivated owners.
Recurring Donation - No data
Affiliations don't have owners
Clinic Surveys don't have owners
Clinic Data doesn't have owners
Committee/Board Membership doesn't have owners
Deliverable - no owners
Payment - no owners
Relationship - 2 records, no owner
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