Putting Household Members Together in a Household

Here's the Mom's contact record with Household

Note that the system is set to show first name, last name, and then "Household." Let's put Trish in a household first with her husband.

Start in the spouse's Household record and click Manage Household

Put the Spouse's Name in the text box

If the Spouse is in the system, they will show up. If not, you can create a new contact record by clicking "New Contact."

Click Save when you have selected the spouse.

Here's what the two parents in the household looks like:

Note that the Household name now has both husband with his last name and wife with her last name.

Now you can add the youth using the same procedure.

Raphael is Trish and Jean-Francois' son.

Click on the link to Raphael to add him to the household. Again, if he is not in the system, you can add him with the New Contact link.

Click Save

Rearrange the cards so the Parent's Last name will go with the young person's last name.

Just click and drag the cards in the order you prefer. Notice that Jean-Francois and Raphael, with the same last name, now are sharing that last name.

Here's the Household with all three members!