Not Included this release: Install the Mobile App on an iPhone
Install these apps on your Windows desktop
- Install Git for Windows
- Install node.js
- Using Powershell or the Command Prompt, install yarn
- Install expo-cli
- Clone the repository
- Using Powershell or the Command Prompt, install plugins
- Create the Environment variable
Install to Android
This app will install to an iPhone, but these are the instructions for Android, since many of the world's nonprofit staff have Android phones.
Install to Android

In Google Play, search for Expo Go and install it on your Android Phone. Mine is already installed, so I now have the option of opening Expo Go.

Expo opens with the option to choose the project you want to use. Now let's see about installing the project...

Install node.js

Which one do I download? I will go with the Recommended for Most Users

Install yarn
Tell people how to get to the command line. Show screenshots of cmd line. with this install line.

Screenshot of what it shows after it installs. Type ex
Install expo-cli

Clone the Repository
Type this into the command line (or copy and paste):
git clone
(If you aren't already signed in, you might have to sign in to github on your computer. )

Install Plugins
Use the Command Prompt or PowerShell to bring up the directory and add yarn Install
This is what we're going to do:

Create the environment variable
The best way to do this is to open Notepad and copy the environment variable there, using the heroku app name that either you created or that you allowed Heroku to create for you. Then save the text file. Then replace the .txt with .env and move the file into the directory.

Metro Bundler appears as a browser window but doesn't show the QR Code

Here's a shot of my Nokia Android. I click scan QR Code and...

This is my phone on wifi

This is my computer on wifi

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