Find the FAFSA Reminder

The FAFSA Template is stored in Settings> Classic Email Templates (which you type into the QuickFind box) We'll be accessing it from the individual contact records, but it's a good idea to know where you can find it if you are looking for it.

Click Setup

Type Classic Email Templates; Click on it

In Classic Email Templates, find the FAFSA REMINDER TEMPLATE, click on it

It's a good idea, also, to familiarize yourself with the other templates you may want to use. Just click on each one. There may be some that need revision, or a complete re-write. All good information!

The Template

This wording was approved by Allison. If you need different wording, please collaborate, since all the navigators who are working with Comebackers will be using this template to send one-by-one emails to their client list individuals.


         Head to the Contact Page

To send individual reminders, head to the Contact Page of the individual you want to receive this reminder. Here's Donald Duck.

Note that there is a Right-Hand panel containing the tabs, Activity and Chatter. Notice the grey icon of an envelope. That's where you'll find the email template you want to send.

Click the down-arrow next to the envelope and select the Comebacker's email:

Now tap the grey envelope to bring up the page. There are a lot of icons on the page to format it the way you might want to see this email. Take a short time to play with these. You might want to add a picture, create a bulleted list or change text colors on another email in the future!  The most important one that concerns us right now is the template icon, shown by the arrow. Click on that one.

This list comes up, conveniently containing the FAFSA REMINDER TEMPLATE. Click on that one.

The Template comes up, filled with the information on the page: Donald's first name, and the Navigator who owns Donald's contact record, the API USER with her email.  

Note also that you can attach this email to another object -- a campaign or a College/Student record, for instance.

All that's left is to hit SEND, and this FAFSA reminder will be on its way!

If you don't like the email subject line, you can change it over in the Classic Email Templates section.

Here's what happened:

The send shows up in the Activity Timeline. Note that it's unopened so far.

And the email, which came to the API User's inbox. Please test, using this Digital Guide to help you.


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