Update Training Provider List

Start in Setup

Object Manager > College/Student (Custom Object)

Go to Fields and Relationships

Notice that the Field Dependencies are at the top of the Fields & Relationships

Here's the Field Dependency for setting up a new training provider

We'll come back here in a few minutes.

To add a new Training Provider

In the College/Student Object, find and open the Training Provider field

Scroll down to the Values in the picklist

  • Click new

Add all the new training providers to the box

After you have added any new Training Providers, be sure to SORT ALPHABETICALLY once you've saved the providers. We want all the providers in the list to be alphabetical so they are easier to find.

Next: Training Program Field

Each new training provider will provide you with a list of the subjects of the training they offer.

  • Open the Training Program field
  • Scroll to the Values List and check off all the training subjects that are already on the Values List. We don't want to put duplicates on the Values list.
  • Once you have checked everything already on the list, you can add new subjects to the list.

Go to New to add new training subjects

Don't reorder this list. If you keep the new subjects at the bottom of the list, it will be easier to add them all, rather than searching through the long list of training subjects already in the system.

Now go back to the Field Dependencies

The new Training Provider will be in the Training Provider field

  • Below the name of the new training provider will be the list of all the options for training programs.
  • Because the beginning of the list is alphabetical, you will be able to search systematically for the training programs that you checked off the list as already in the system.
  • Click on the training program-- you will have to do this one by one. It turns purple.
  • Click on the button "Include Values"
  • The listing will turn yellow.  

The listing turns yellow.

Continue to go down the list until you have included all the Training Programs that the new Training Provider offers.

Scroll down until you see the Save button. Be sure to save your work!!!

There is a preview button at the bottom of the page as well. You can choose the Training Provider you just added and get a list of all the Training Programs there. This is a good way to check your work. But SAVE FIRST, please.


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