NPSP Introduction

Getting Started Screen

What do we want to do?

  1. Find, cultivate and engage with people who believe in what we are doing.  Reach new people
  2. Raise money to support the organization's mission.  Raise money
  3. Report to our funders and supporters the impact that their donations make. Report to funders
  4. Run programs that reflect our mission. Run mission-based programs
  5. Track clients and constituents along their paths to achieving success. Track clients
  6. Report on our impact and success with our constituents. Report on impact on clients
  7. Find, cultivate and engage with people who want to volunteer to support our mission.  Find Volunteers
  8. Report on the results of our volunteer management program. Report volunteer hours

Minnie Mouse: 360 degree view


Affiliations are connections between a contact and an account/organization. When a contact has a Household, the Primary Affiliation is usually where that contact works.


Relationships show connections between contacts. The Type field can be customized to reflect the types of relationships you track in your organization and the Relationship Explanation clearly states the whole relationship.

Household Accounts

Household accounts group people who live at the same address into one account. In this way, a household can receive one marketing email, rather than everyone in the household getting separate emails or snail mail letters.

Organization Accounts

These are accounts that are not households. Typically, we show relationships that contacts have with these orgs. Either the contact works there, is a major donor for the account, is on the board, or is otherwise affiliated with the account. Organizations that contribute to our organization, schools our contacts attend, orgs that are connected to our organization-- all belong in this category.

Fund Development and Grants Management: Fundraising App

Opportunity Record Types

Minnie Mouse - Major Gift - 2021.06.06 - | Salesforce

Minnie Mouse's Designated Fund

Designated Funds (GAUs)

Grant with Stage


Campaign: 2021 Fundraising

Program Management App


Child Health Record

Kindergarten Summer 2021 Class Sessions

Volunteers Help | Salesforce

Summer 2021 Kindergarten Volunteers | Salesforce


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