Apsona: Add/Remove Users, Import a Spreadsheet

Click the Gear > Setup

Installed Packages > Apsona for Salesforce

Remove Users (Temporarily or Permanently)

How to Add Users

Simply select the user you want to add from the Available Users, and click Add when they come up.

To USE Apsona to import data: Return to the Apsona App

Click the Waffle > Type Apsona > Click on Apsona

Contacts Tab in Apsona

There are tabs for all the objects in Salesforce. The ones we need should be at the top of the Apsona tabline. If they are not, add a task for Trish in Basecamp about what is missing. 

I like to use the Tabular view when I'm working in Apsona. The All Contacts is the default. Reports you want to run using the Contact object can be built at the Reports option.

What you see on the Contacts Tab at the top

For Importing, click on the Tools Tab


What you see on the Import/Update option

  • Action: Are we importing or updating? 
  • Data Source: Copy/pasted or a File? The file HAS to be a .csv, and we only use that option if we have over 30 thousand lines of data to import. 
  • Duplicates: We want to reject duplicates, either in the spreadsheet or between the spreadsheet and Salesforce.
  • Field Separator: For Copy/Pasted Data, use the Tab option. 
  • Don't overwrite with null values: I make a habit of checking this box, so when I really need it, I don't forget.

Matching the spreadsheet fields to the fields in Salesforce

Top line shows the spreadsheet header. Under that are the fields in Salesforce that need to match the header line. 

Always use the first Action: Stop and Show Errors. As you can see in the video, Apsona will catch bad data errors as well as duplicates. Most bad data errors can be fixed inline, right in Apsona. But if you have a LOT of bad data errors, it's better practice to fix them in the spreadsheet and then come back in. 

Stop and show errors

After you've fixed errors, you can change this to "Omit Erroneous Records"

All the matched fields show up on this page.

You should always make sure you are mapping your spreadsheet fields to the proper Salesforce fields. Once you are sure about this, you can click Import. You can also SAVE your mapping here if you will be doing this particular type of data import more than once. 


I've skipped this step once or twice and lived to regret my decision!


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