Getting Started
Your System Administrator will give all Field Workers the link to the latest version of the Mobile App. Use that link to install the app on your phone. The Login Screen will come up. (Cool logo, huh!!)
- Click on the gear in the upper right corner and enter the name of the mobile app your admin will give you.
- Add the Login Email and the Password that your admin created for you.
- Click Log In
Use your mobile app to complete surveys and send the data to Salesforce.
This is the first screen you'll see. There's a lot going on, so check out the explanation of each element of the screen below.
- The Logout icon. If you leave before you sync your surveys, you'll lose the unsynced surveys.
- The Sync icon. Click here when you have surveys to upload to Salesforce AND you have wifi or cell phone service.
- The Status bar. Shows how many unsynced surveys you have, how many synced ones, and the total of the two.
- The Add New Survey Button. Click here to choose the type of survey you want to use.
- Settings Gear - It will contain Language options if your Admin has entered any other than English. Also this is the place to Reload data and new surveys from Salesforce that are not yet on your phone. A best practice would be to start each survey session with clients by reloading here, making sure you have the latest versions of the surveys, etc.
We have two types of Sample Surveys in our Sample Survey Package. Your System Admin can add all the different types of surveys you'll be using and the survey names will appear on this screen. As soon as you choose one of the options, you'll be taken to the Survey.
Notice that we have two places for Contacts.
- The Survey Contact Lookup field. All of the clients in your caseload appear when you click on the search icon. You'll choose one and then fill out the rest of the survey.
- Repspondant's First and Last Name. You'll fill in these two if you don't have the current client in your caseload.
Note: You can fill one option or both options. Use the combo to correct name spelling, for instance.
When you search the Survey Contacts, you'll get the list of your clients. Here, the field worker has only one client so far in her caseload.
Birthdays can be a bit awkward, since the calendar is set to 2022. We have an excellent way to reach for the correct year! Click on the year number on the page.
You'll get a list of years reaching back as far as 1900 and going forward to 2100. This can cover the birthdays for a good while!
Your Surveys at a glance!
You'll have a list of surveys you've completed and uploaded on the phone. You can see the dates these surveys were added to Salesforce. We're working on getting that Survey Name to include the name of the Client, in case you'd like to go back to check on what the situation was when you last spoke with the client.
The list of completed surveys will grow. Notice that the date the survey was completed.
Success! Created a New Survey notice!
Notice that the unsynced survey has a small blue triangle in the upper right corner. You won't forget to sync your surveys as soon as you get back to connectivity. If you have phone service or wifi, use the sync icon to sync them one at a time. Or wait until the end of the day to upload them all at once. No more manual survey data entry!
Success! Survey is successfully uploaded!