Check out the new Grass Roots Survey App
Find it in the 9-dot "waffle." Click View All to see the app.

The App looks like this in Salesforce:

The Field Survey is pretty empty...We'll build it out as we create the surveys we want to use in the field.
Step 1: Install the Sample Survey Unmanaged Package
The Sample Surveys package is intended to provide some of the fields a new Mobile App administrator may want to include.
Keep in mind that the Grassroots Mobile Survey App was designed to be customizable and flexible to meet the needs of nonprofits that differ widely in how they gather information and how they want to organize and report on it.
Link to the Sample Survey Unmanaged Package
The Sample Survey Unmanaged Package is an optional install, but we highly recommend installing it. We have prepared two types of surveys, Home Care and Disaster Relief, with fields and page layouts that you can use as is, or pick and choose which fields are relevant for your organization. Or, maybe you'll install, see how the pages work, and then proceed to create totally different surveys for your organization.
Step 2: Setup Tasks: Permission Sets and Profiles
Assign Permission Set to Integration User and System Admin.
Here is the permission set that comes with the Salesforce Install.
In Setup, type Permission Sets into the QuickFind box. Click on Permission Sets.

Assign this Permission Set to the Integration User (the User you created as part of the GRMS installation). Assign it also to anyone on the staff that will be working with the Field Surveys, including the organization's System Administrator.
Click Manage Assignments. Here you can add or remove assignments for this permission set.

Step 3: Configure Custom Objects with Record Types, Layouts and Custom Fields
Field Survey Object:
Add the Survey Client And Field Worker to the Field Survey Object
Gear Icon > Setup > Object Manager > Field Survey Object
Fields & Relationships > New > Lookup Relationship > Related to = Contact
Field Label = Survey Client
Lookup Filter: Do the lookup filter for both the Survey Client AND the Field Worker. The value should correspond to the Contact Type.
Move the field to a place on the page that is appropriate for your use case. Leave the new field on all the Survey Record Types...
And on the next page, specify the related list that will use the Field Worker and Client Layout AND the Contact Layout (for contacts that are neither Field Workers nor Survey Clients.)
Here's what the page looks like:

Repeat these steps for the Field Worker on the Field Survey Object.
Add Record Types and Page Layouts to the Field Survey Object
These come out of the Sample Package, and serve as an EXAMPLE and an IDEA of what your org may want to do with the Grassroots Mobile Survey App.
If you are not using the Sample Survey Package, create record types that correspond to surveys you will be using. Each record type is a different type of survey, with different page layouts. The different questions for each survey are fields on the page layout.

Assign the Layouts associated with each record type. Or create your own Record type and Page Layout.
The HomeCare Page Layout looks like this:

The Disaster Relief Page Layout looks like this:

Assign Field Survey Record Types to Profiles
Assign GRMS Record Types to Sys Admin and your Integration User.
Go to Setup
System Administrator and Standard User (for Integration User)
Object Settings
Field Surveys
Assign the Record Types for the Surveys that you are going to use. (Pro Tip: Keep Homecare and Disaster Relief Survey record types to modify to meet your needs, if they will be useful for you.)
Contact Object changes:
Verify that the Login Email field and Contact Type field are on the Contact Page Layouts
If either one of these is not on the page layout, add the Login Email field and the Contact Type field to the Contact Page Layout. The field is already created. You just need to put it on the page.
- In Setup, Click Object Manager
- Find the Contact object
- Click Page Layouts
- Click and Drag the Login Email and Contact Type to the Page Layouts.
- These two fields may already be on the Field Worker and Client Page Layout, but would still need to be added to the regular Contact Layout, if you are using that page layout.
- Save
Adjust the Related lists
Include Field Surveys and Client Relationships in the Contact Related List. This way, we can see who is conducting surveys, and who is being surveyed. Be sure to Click Save.

The Field Survey Object now has sample fields. To change the visible fields, you can click on the wrench and add the fields that you want to see when you go to the Contact object.
Set up Field Worker and Client Relationships Object
This is the object where we associate your survey field workers with their "caseload." The mobile phone will be able to populate each field worker's "clients" so that the field workers don't have to scroll too far to find the people they are responsible for.
First, add the Login Email of your Field Worker as a field on the User and Client Relationship Object.
Setup > Object Manager > Field Worker & Client Relationships
in Fields & Relationships, click New
Data Type = Formula
Formula Return Type = Text
Set the Field Label (mine is Field Worker Login Email)

Click Advanced Formula > Insert field > then drill down into the User's Login Email. See below.
Then click Insert. The formula field is created. Click Next - Next - Save
Field Worker and Client Relationship record:
Create Field Workers and Clients in the Contact Object
App Launcher (aka: The Waffle) > Grass Roots Survey > Contacts
Use the Contact Type field to create the different types of contacts in the system, including Client and Field Worker.
Create a Field Worker

Now create a new contact.

Click the New button and fill in the details. Don't forget to add the Login Email to this field on the Contact Page. This will make it possible for THIS field worker to access the surveys on the mobile phone.

The Field Workers, whether they are disaster relief workers, teachers in classrooms, or health professionals making house calls, are the people assessing the situation on the ground, using our mobile app that works even without the internet.
Create Survey Clients
If you already have a list of clients, you can enter them, making sure to give them the Client Type of Survey Client.
Add each of your Field Workers and their Clients to the Field Worker and Client Relationship Object.
Follow the sample above, and get all the client list into a record with the Field Worker. This task will create Caseload lists in your mobile app later, so don't skip this step!