Sophomore Application Process

NLS Application Flowchart.pdf - Google Chrome

Fields in the redirect form (found here: :

  • 34-Student HS
  • 870-Stu DOB
  • 1303-Stu FN
  • 1305-Stu LN
  • 1447-missing
  • 1448-Sib FN
  • 1450-Sib LN
  • 1451-missing
  • 1452-Sib DOB
  • 1454-Sib HS
  • 1456-Sib GradClass
  • 1458-missing

These missing fields: What are they?

These are not Pre-filling - Google Chrome

FIXED: No such Column Preferred Pronouns on Survey - Google Chrome

The student is now able to complete the application and the student and parent get emails. Student, you've completed 1 of 2, Parent gets form to complete on his side. - Google Chrome

Are you male or female isn't filled in.

Sibling First Name isn't filled in, but is editable to the parent.

Prefill connector

If sibling contact is found, prefill address and parent/guardian fields

Recommitment App - Application - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (32-bit)

The household account is subject to some attention from the form, but it's not clear to me whether our case needed a HH Acct or not. I think not, since we have this sibling.

Here is the query parameter to lookup the sibling record

: Connector Salesforce Pull - Google Chrome

Email process, Including confirmation to student, and Spanish/Arabic/English email to parents.

Recommitment App - Application - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (32-bit)

DONE: Changes to the Race/Ethnicity Question

This is the way the student questionnaire looks on the Sophomore Application-

I added the Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander to the student questionnaire. - Google Chrome

This is the revised Race/Ethnicity field in Salesforce

Contact | Salesforce - Google Chrome

Added "Other Race/Ethnicity" to the Student Contact Pages

Contact | Salesforce - Google Chrome

I've adjusted the page layouts so that these fields are only on the Student Pages (Student, Student v2, Sophomore Applicant).

I see that Race and Ethnicity is also on the Survey object, so I'll have to adjust the fields to match that of the Contact object.

Below: Race/Ethnicity on the Survey Object

Surveys | Salesforce - Google Chrome

Added Race/Ethnicity and Other Race/Ethnicity to Next Level Scholars Application Layout and Recommitment Application. The Provost scholarship didn't have the Race or Ethnicity fields on it.

Race/Ethnicity on Form Assembly Forms

Sophomore Application

: Forms/builder/5.0.0 - Google Chrome

Sections of the Salesforce Connector on the Sophomore Application:

2.1 Aligned Race/Ethnicity and Other Race/Ethnicity Aligned Race/Ethnicity and Other Race/Ethnicity

I don't know where the Spanish and Arabic versions of this Application are.

Advisor and Administrator FLOW

Note Criteria:

Entry Status = Application Accepted
Academic Year Account Id = Account Id of Primary Advisor
Current Academic Year = True
Survey Record Type = Next Level Scholars Application

The survey is now getting updated when the Advisor Selects the Candidate.

The Advisor Selection Form Lives on the Advisor's Contact Page and on the current Academic Year page.

  • Prefill Connector: Shows a Missing or Invalid parameter: hs - this is the unsafe query that is supposed to look up to the Academic Year Account ID. (where are we supposed to get this from?) The documentation says it's on the Survey object.
Andy Advisor | Salesforce - Google Chrome

This is the Application Status Form - Google Chrome

Once the students have been selected and the PDF of the student's transcripts uploaded, you hit submit.

What happens when the form is submitted?

  1. The Advisor gets a confirmation their selection has been received.
  2. The administrator gets an email (which needs to be re-configured), containing a link to the Administrator Approval Form (needs to be tested and fixed.)
  3. The Entry Status on the Survey = Advisor Selected (or Rejected)

What we find when we look at the Connector Logs -  1st: Prefill

  • Connected to Salesforce Org
  • Finds Survey Record - of student Survey -- there are a bunch of criteria here. Including the Academic Year Account ID (presumably the High School.
  • Finds Academic Year a0t4T000000ERgwQAG
  • Finds Account Record  0014T0000050uA0QAI = High School
  • Finds Contact Record 0034T00000QU4XeQAL = Advisor
  • Finds Contact Record 0034T00000QU4sDQAT = Administrator
  • Connects to the Org (Presumably to fill all these fields with successive student information that was on the form.)
  • Lookup is missing .hs
  • Lookup is missing .hs

: Connector Salesforce Pull

This form submission is created. (Supposedly from Step One of the Salesforce Connector, except that it is missing...????)

In order to get this to work, I had to delete the section that updated the NLS Applicant Status on the Academic Year Record. (I don't understand what that is for...The status would be different for each applicant...)

This is the section removed from the Advisor Form. If we need to have a workflow that updates this field, we'll see about that.

Here's what's in the failing section

Administrator Process

The LINK to the Administrator Selection Approval Form must be in the Administrator Request Email.

2021 - 2022 Re-Commitment Form

The Recommitment Form does not have Communications and Media HS as a school option. Does it need that?

Section 1.3: Updated to reflect changes in Race/Ethnicity in Salesforce and the application form.

Parent Prefilled Section of the Re-Commitment Form

Preferred Pronouns not prefilling

This should be a dropdown, not a multi-select picklist.

Marissa D'Angelo | Salesforce - Google Chrome

Graduating Class not Prefilling

I'm not sure, but I am guessing that since you limit the choices to only two of those in Salesforce, the field is not being prefilled.

Marissa D'Angelo | Salesforce - Google Chrome
: Forms/builder/5.0.0 - Google Chrome

Section 3: Not sure what I'm doing here...

Fields that are not entered or Pre-filled into NLS Application Form

Recommitment Form Step by Step

: Responses - Google Chrome
  • Looks up the Organization
  • 1. Looks up the Record type = Parent
: Forms - Google Chrome
: Connector Salesforce2 - Google Chrome

Notice that the field referenced has Parent with a dash before it. So it will never skip this step because it doesn't match.

: Responses - Google Chrome
  • 1.1 Finds Parent Contact #1
  • 1.1 Updates the Parent Record
: Responses - Google Chrome
  • 1.2 Finds Parent Contact #2
  • 1.2 Updates Parent Contact #2
: Connector Salesforce2 - Google Chrome

The field says "I do not have a second parent or guardian" - So it doesn't ever match either. (In this case, Melissa left it blank anyway.)

: Responses - Google Chrome
  • 1.3 Finds Student
  • 1.3 Updates Student
: Responses - Google Chrome

1.4 Looks up Record Type for Recommitment Form

1.4.1 Creates the New Survey Record

: Connector Salesforce2 - Google Chrome

Skip if the Parent field is not checked. (But this will never skip, because the field has a dash and the skip condition does not.)


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